What is Concussion, and can we help you?
A concussion is the common name used to refer to traumatic brain injuries – or TBI – with a variety of different symptoms and mechanisms of injury. Previously, they have been referred to as mild traumatic brain injuries. However, experts found that the word “mild” was misleading and this qualifying word has since been removed from the description.
It is caused by a blow to the head or a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical and neurological changes in the brain.
An estimated 35,000 people in New Zealand suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) every year. Of these, 95% (33,250) are considered to be mild TBIs, yet only 22,000 seek treatment. So most people aren’t getting their injury diagnosed or treated by a health provider.
Most traumatic brain injuries are caused by:
- falls
- recreation or playing sport (this makes up 20% to 30% of injuries)
- using machinery
- accidents while driving
- assault.
Interestingly, you do not need to lose consciousness in order for the injury to be classified as a concussion.
It is vital to seek treatment for concussion as soon as possible. While the initial diagnostic testing may be done at a hospital or Concussion clinic, many people feel they are left with few treatment options after the initial diagnosis.
As a Chiropractor in the Auckland CBD, we have met many concussion sufferers who for many months after the injury are still suffering with no real game plan to resolution. We have helped many concussion sufferers from throughout New Zealand with our focus on the upper cervical spine.
Symptoms of Concussion.
While some people do lose consciousness, many people who experience a concussion will not. Other symptoms of concussion to look out for include:
- Headaches
- Neck pain
- Feeling faint or dizzy
- Blurred vision
- Sensitivity to light
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Forgetfulness
- Difficulty concentrating
- Slurred speech
- Sensitivity to noise
What is Post-concussion Syndrome?
A common name given to the signs and symptoms people feel and experience after their concussion. They can include some, or all of the symptoms above.
How does Post-concussion Syndrome link to the upper cervical spine?
Through the misalignment of the vertebrae, especially the Atlas vertebrae (C1)
The upper cervical spine is the gateway to the skull and therefore the brain. There are multiple delicate structures in this area that can be affected by misalignment of the vertebrae and could contribute to post-concussion syndrome. The vertebral arteries enter the skull and have potential to be distorted by the misalignment. The change in blood flow into the brain can slow the healing process as nutrient rich blood is slowed in getting to the damaged areas of the brain.
The Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow
Another major contributing factor related to the upper cervical misalignment is the change in cerebrospinal fluid flow around the brain. This can be seen on fMRI scans. When there is misalignment of the upper cervical vertebrae this fluid cannot flow efficiently around the brain and can sometimes become static causing pressure around the brain. This stasis of the fluid inhibits nutrient delivery and waste product removal around the brain, thus impacting normal function. The pressure generated can also contribute to the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome such as headaches.
How We Can Help Treat Post-Concussion Syndrome?
At Align Chiropractic and Wellness we have a focus on the nervous system, and a particular focus on the Upper Cervical Spine. We use the Atlas Orthogonal Technique to correct Upper Cervical subluxations. Using this approach, we have helped many people heal over time with the right adjustment and witnessed people recover from post-concussion syndrome.
If you, or someone you know may benefit from this care, please reach out.